​​As a certified American Kennel Club (AKC) evaluator, we can help you get your dog ready to safely serve in any environment!

We hold quarterly AKC Canine Good Citizen Courses in San Juan Capistrano.  During the class, we introduce humans to the concept of "speaking and understanding dog".  

Classes generally run six to eight weeks and are held on Saturdays.  Successful completion of the course includes an official AKC CGC Certificate and bragging rights!

If you would like to join us, use the contact page to be added to our mailing list. 

Trinity K9 offers private training in your home.      For a complimentary consultation - contact Jonathan at 4trinityk9@gmail.com

We can help you:

  • Develop your dog to provide comfort to others.
  • Find unique places you can serve with your dog.
  • Deepen your relationship with your dog.
  • Prepare to ultimately help others learn how to serve with their own dog, increasing the service we as a community can provide to those in need.

Several times each year, we offer seminars along with group training to help you prepare for service.  If you would like to be kept informed about our seminars, please use the contact button and let us know.

Let's meet and and discuss if serving alongside your dog is right for you!

                                                                - Jonathan

At Trinity Counseling, we want to help you learn "how to speak dog" and then assist you in finding your own unique way to use this new relationship with your dog to make a positive impact in your community.  

Perhaps you want to visit a nursing facility, or a school or a hospital. Maybe your gift is helping others with their pets.  Lean into us and let us assist you in developing your dogs full potential and releasing your own potential to be the hands and feet of Christ.

What did Sigmund Freud, Dr. William Mayo (Mayo Clinic) and Florence Nightingale all have in common?  They were all early pioneers in the use of dogs to assist in comforting patients in troubling times.  Today, dogs are widely used in therapeutic settings to help and support patients.   Service animals assist their owner by replacing a lost or damaged sense.  Therapy dogs can be used in a variety of settings to reduce anxiety, working dogs can detect bombs and drugs, and, some dogs can even detect certain cancers or predict ailments.

We have learned that many different dog breeds can be used to assist in developing trust and helping to calm individuals during lifes trials.  The key is first understanding the psychology of the dog and then learning to "speak their language"